Woodberry Down Phase 2
Rolfe Judd & Berkeley Group Plc
It delivers 884 new homes within 3 main blocks. The buildings increase in height as they step-back from the reservoir, and are U shaped, improving daylight and views across the water. Spring Park is at its centre, and was meticulously designed to incorporate the needs of existing and future residents, with subtly delineated play areas and open green space, often used to host numerous open events. It also serves to create strong connections both within the development and to the periphery of the scheme, providing also a community centre, which is the local hub for all residents and visitors to Woodberry Down in Hackney. It provides a community of mixed tenure properties that preserved and developed the existing character of the area. The connectivity, provision of shops, services, and community facilities as well as landscaping (focused on walking and cycling) is vital to its success The phased stages of the full masterplan ensured that residents had new flats to move into before their existing homes are demolished. The success of Woodberry Down has attracted greater recognition of the potential social and community benefits of large-scale city regeneration; being regularly used as an example of best practice.