West Green Place N17
HTA Design and Pocket Living
The design comprises 126 homes designed for Pocket Living. They are organised along a new tree lined street with a generous public realm and entrance square forming the main point of arrival from the north. At the southern end the site opens up to reveal residents raised planters used as allotments and an orchard. The buildings are split either side of the avenue with flats arranged as pavilions along the park edge to the west. On the opposite eastern side of the avenue are predominantly two and a half storey townhouses, arranged in terraces of four, culminating in three storey flat blocks at the northern end, which faces the entrance square. This arrangement enables the houses to sit back to back with existing houses. The scheme establishes new public routes between the existing residential streets to the west and the park to the east. Community uses that previously existed on the site (in run-down or poor quality temporary buildings) have been rehoused in a new, purpose built home that forms a key element within the new development. This anchors the entry square space and ensures integration with the existing neighbourhood by providing a new focal point for the whole community.