The Brentford Project


The Brentford Project is establishing a new waterfront neighbourhood in a previously overlooked and neglected pocket of London. Located at the meeting point of the River Thames and River Brent, this major west London regeneration maximises and celebrates life by the water. The new walkable neighbourhood, which spans 11.8 acres between the high street and the waterfront, puts pedestrians first, responds directly to local needs and supports positive change: revitalising the town centre, high street and waterfront with 876 homes, 40+ retailers, five acres of public realm, employment opportunities and new community and leisure uses.

Establishing a new waterside social and cultural hub, The Brentford Project’s clever approach to integrating new homes, retail and public realm has ensured a cohesive neighbourhood. This is complemented by a commercial strategy focused on supporting independent brands and retailers – many of which are west London born and bred – with the everyday essentials that deliver for local needs. Alongside its thoughtfully curated, extensive public realm, The Brentford Project is already a living, breathing place where residents – old and new – can stay local. To date, apartments have proven highly popular with owner occupiers, many of which are from local TW postcodes and span first time buyers through to downsizers. Every element of the regeneration – from the building names and apartment design details through to the restoration of historic buildings – is designed to honour and build on the rich waterways and industrial heritage and thriving cultural and creative