Mole Architects
: Ian Bramwell, Meredith Bowles, Hugh Craft, Conisbee (Structural Engineers) Vande Moortel (Bricks) Velfac (windows) Adams and Newman (Main contractor) VMZinc (Roofing)
This two-storey dwelling for British Indian client sits at the end of a quiet lane, adjacent to the River Cam and a listed Mill House. Replacing a small dilapidated pre-fabricated house, Riverview is a generous house arranged around a south facing courtyard, reminiscent of the client’s Grandmother’s house in Gujarat. Distinctively the house is rhomboid to maximize the site. The house is designed to meet PassivHaus standards, with a timber frame. It is clad in dark Flemish brickwork, similar in dimension to the Georgian brickwork of the neighbouring Georgian Mill House. Planning was achieved under delegated powers, after careful consideration had been given to the context, neighbours amenity and by demonstrating the highly sustainable design. The landscape concept design is by world renowned Landscape Architect, Todd Longstaff-Gowan.