Mulberry Park brings town centre density to the suburban edge of historic Bath, helping to create a more sustainable family neighbourhood. Nestling within the semi-rural village setting of Combe Down, Phase 1 will deliver 275 homes from 700 consented in the 2015 Outline Planning permission, and establish a gateway to the development from Bradford Road, as well as connecting to the adjacent Foxhill estate.

The concept for Mulberry Park is to establish a new model for achieving greater density in suburban developments, adapting the qualities of traditional housing typologies so prevalent in the city of Bath, to meet the needs of contemporary family living.

The scheme includes a new primary school and community centre, with new shops and facilities included within phase 2, enabling existing bus routes to be

extended through the site and increased in capacity.

Around 70% of the homes are family houses with 30% of the homes being affordable, tenure blind and distributed throughout the scheme.The central avenue linking to a new park uses stepped terraced villas to accentuate the significant falls across the site, and exploit the views to the historic heart of Bath. Enhancement of an existing local park and a new park at the heart of the masterplan aim to increase the biodiversityofthispreviouslydeveloped brownfield site.

The avenue helps establish a clear hierarchy of streets, along with a civic square fronted by apartment blocks and the new school to create a moment of arrival that aids orientation. Quieter streets and mews extend from the avenue with building frontage designed to aid orientation and create more active playable spaces.