Countryside Properties (Bicester)
Kingsmere is a new suburb of Bicester, developed on formerly inaccessible arable land 50 miles north of London. A flourishing modern village designed to supports the growth of Bicester, one of the fastest growing towns in Europe; in eleven years, 1,600 homes have been built at Kingsmere alongside extensive community, education, retail and leisure facilities, parks and open spaces, including a new primary school and secondary school, a village centre with shops, day nursery and community/youth centre, sports village, retail park, hotel and restaurant.
Kingsmere will ultimately provide 2,431 new homes, alongside more mixed-use facilities including a second new primary school campus, all connected by a network of footpath and cycleways. Designed to be a walkable neighbourhood, schools, open spaces, play areas and shops are all accessible within 10 minutes.