Former Nestlé Factory

dMFK Architects

dMFK is leading the design and delivery of the 'Heritage Cluster' within Wallis Gilbert’s iconic former Nestlé factory masterplan in Hayes for Barratt London. This cluster is part of a wider 12-hectare masterplan developed in collaboration with Makower Architects, Hawkins Brown and Chapman Taylor. dMFK’s heritage cluster contributes 401 new homes towards the wider 1,400-home (25% affordable) masterplan, which will also provide three hectares of public realm, 1.5km of redeveloped canal frontage, new workspace and community facilities.

The heritage cluster comprises six buildings, four of which have been delivered. The four occupied blocks house 360 new apartments in total. The two consented unbuilt blocks will accommodate a new much-needed 2,000 sqm healthcare facility, 500 sqm nursery and 41 apartments, completing an ensemble around the rebuilt Wallis Gardens — a 100 sqm park at the masterplan’s heart, offering public green space, play areas, and industrial heritage-inspired art. dMFK’s repurposing of the original factory building, Truscon House, honours the site's industrial heritage. Retained and meticulously restored, Wallis Gilbert’s Art Deco entrance tower and façade now feature enhanced thermal efficiency and new thermally efficient Crittall-style windows. Southeast of Truscon House, Laurina Apartments mirror its architectural style, featuring a matching brickwork grid, tiled panels, and low-slung, long form. To the north, Maya House’s west façade is rebuilt in an intricate facsimile of the industrial red brick factory, featuring ceiling heights and Crittall-style windows that match Truscon House. Along the Canal, the 11-storey Forastero House seamlessly integrates the Heritage Cluster with the wider masterplan.