Lock No.19
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Client: L&Q
: Architect for Stour Road Building - East Architects ; Acoustic Consultant - Cass Allen Associates ; Approved Inspector - NHBC ; Contractor - Quadrant Construction ; Cost Consultant - London & Quadrant Housing Association ; Ecology Consultant - The Ecology Consultancy ; Fire Consultant - H+H ; Heritage Consultant - Townscape Consultancy ; Landscape Architects - East Architects ; M&E/ Sustainability Engineer - MLM Multidisciplinary Consulting ; Planning Consultant - Quod ; Project Manager - London & Quadrant Housing Trust ; Services Engineer - FHP ; Structural Engineer and Transport Consultant - Curtins
Bream Street delivers regeneration in the Fish Island area through a residential-led, mixed-use development with permeable public space adjacent to the Lee Navigation.The scheme consists of the demolition of an existing post-war commercial building on the south-west corner of the site, site clearance including decontaminating the site, the development of seven new buildings, shared residential amenity spaces, a new public route, and canal side public realm. the Stour Road Building (designed by East Architects), Garden Building, Canal Building, Lock Building and Bream Street Building are predominately residential, whilst the Employment Building and the Gatehouse Building are exclusively commercial and provide affordable maker space to the wider area. The residential blocks provide 202 new homes (one, two and three bedroom flats) with a good proportion suitable for families, half of which are assigned to the affordable rent tenure. The positioning of each building responds to the wider contextual conditions such as the canal, site permeability, existing trees, street frontage, and key views. Furthermore, building orientation maximises daylight and reduces overshadowing to gardens between the blocks. As a result, the masterplan delivers a series of buildings which are set around three shared gardens and a new internal public street whilst engaging with the various boundary conditions in a positive manner. By creating a special place to live and work, Bream Street contributes to the wider regeneration of East London.