1887 The Pantiles
The luxury apartment complex by independent developer Dandara includes 127 one-, two- and three-bedroom homes, a cultural hub and retail space and a vastly improved public realm with an iconic water feature, seating, landscaping and improved pedestrian access. The apartment development was cleverly designed to minimise its impact on the surrounding street scene by making it appear to be a series of individual buildings, with very different treatments on different elevations. The side facing The Pantiles, with its many Listed buildings, uses a more civic, classical architecture, with the fifth storey recessed at roof level to appear lower. At the south western end, it rises to seven storeys, forming a landmark structure marking the entrance to Tunbridge Wells town centre. Internally, 79 different layouts, from a 475 sq ft one-bedroom apartment to 1580 sq ft three-bedroom penthouse, ensure the homes appeal to a wide variety of buyers. High-quality German kitchens, stone worktops, contemporary bathrooms and facilities including a concierge, courtyard garden, car and bicycle parking and a purpose-design cultural space provide residents with a superb standard of living. Sensitive to the environment and its location, 1887 The Pantiles has replaced an ugly office block with an architecturally impressive building.