Craig Sheach
Partner , PRP Architects
Craig's experience, gained both in the UK and internationally, include residential-led brownfield and mixed-use schemes, town centre regeneration projects, high-profile international masterplans, as well as multiple design-led smaller builds and insertions. He has written a number of reports and documents on mixed use and co-location, including a guidance document for the London Borough of Lewisham. Craig is a member of the Wandsworth and Richmond Design Review Panels, the Kingston Placemaking Panel, and the Design South East Design Review Panels. He also co-chairs the Design Commission for Wales Design Review Panel.
What top tip would you give to this year's entrants?
Focus on how your scheme addresses the big issues simply and in a way that others haven't, both current and in the past. How are the applicants celebrating and cherishing the diagram and the genus of the idea.